This Yard Turns Into a Nightmare!

In “This Yard Turns Into a Nightmare!”, Al Bladez shares his experience tackling a challenging backyard that proved to be a complete nightmare. Joined by @LawnCareJuggernaut and @CabinontheHill, they encountered wet and thick grass that couldn’t be mowed with regular mowers. Despite their initial efforts with a ventrac, multiple setbacks, such as a neighbor passing out, pouring rain, and the ventrac’s belt smoking and ultimately breaking, made the job incredibly difficult. However, with the help of Joel from Ventrac, they were able to pick up the necessary attachment and finally complete the job, even though the yard was flooded with septic water.

In a slightly different video format, Al teams up with Kevin and his dad to tackle another wild job, showcasing their determination and teamwork. They encounter roof-high grass, rain, and even a blown belt on the ventrac. However, they persist and get the job done, providing an entertaining and exciting mowing experience for viewers.

The Call for Help

Contact from @LawnCareJuggernaut and @CabinontheHill

You received a call from @LawnCareJuggernaut and @CabinontheHill, who were in need of your help with their super crazy backyard. They explained that the wet and thick grass was making it difficult for them to mow using their own equipment.

Difficulty mowing due to wet and thick grass

The wet and thick grass in the backyard was posing a challenge for @LawnCareJuggernaut and @CabinontheHill. They had tried using their mowers, but the conditions were not favorable for effective mowing.

Trying to use the ventrac

In an attempt to overcome the difficulties caused by the wet and thick grass, @LawnCareJuggernaut and @CabinontheHill decided to try using the ventrac. This specialized equipment was their hope for tackling the challenging backyard.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Neighbor passing out

As soon as you arrived at the backyard, one of the neighbors unexpectedly passed out. Thankfully, Kevin was there to catch her and prevent her from hitting the ground. Ensuring her safety was the first priority before continuing with the task at hand.

Rain forcing them to stop work

After ensuring the neighbor was okay and contacting her son to assist her, a sudden downpour of rain forced everyone to pause their work. Unfortunately, the unfavorable weather conditions made it impossible to continue with the mowing job.

Belt on the ventrac smoking and breaking

On the second day of the project, you began working on the backyard using the ventrac. However, after just 30 minutes into the job, the belt on the ventrac started smoking and eventually broke. In fact, two belts were blown on that yard alone. The continuous rain throughout the whole day only added to the difficulty of the situation.

Seeking Help from Ventrac

Contacting Joel with Ventrac

In order to address the issues with the ventrac, you reached out to Joel, a representative from Ventrac. Thanks to his expertise and assistance, you were able to find a solution to the broken belt problem.

Picking up attachment to finish the job

Joel offered to let you pick up an attachment for the ventrac from his location. This attachment would allow you to complete the mowing job despite the challenges faced with the equipment. You took advantage of this opportunity to get the job done.

Dealing with Flooded Yard

Yard flooded with septic water

Unfortunately, as you prepared to resume the job, you discovered that the yard had been flooded with septic water. This presented a whole new set of challenges that needed to be tackled before continuing with the mowing.

Mowing with Kevin and Robert despite challenges

Despite the difficulties posed by the flooded yard, you, Kevin, and Robert decided to tackle the task together. Working as a team, you were determined to find a way to mow the yard effectively despite the challenges that came your way.

Meeting Up with Kevin and Robert

Call for backup

Kevin and Robert reached out to you for assistance with their difficult backyard. This created an opportunity for all of you to work together and share your expertise in handling challenging mowing situations.

Cutting tall and thick grass together

The three of you embarked on the task of cutting the tall and thick grass in the backyard. With your combined skills, you were able to make progress and navigate through the challenging terrain.

Clearing access to the backyard

In addition to mowing the lawn, you had to clear access to the backyard. This involved cutting back trees and finding a way to open the gate for easier entry. Despite the obstacles, you were determined to get the job done.

Tackling the Backyard

Using ventrac to cut thick grass

With the ventrac and the attachment you obtained from Joel, you were able to cut through the thick grass in the backyard. This specialized equipment proved to be a valuable asset in tackling the challenging terrain.

Navigating through obstacles

As you mowed through the backyard, you encountered various obstacles that needed to be navigated around. Despite the challenges, you remained persistent and found ways to maneuver through the obstacles efficiently.

Dealing with rain

Unfortunately, the rain persisted throughout the mowing process. This added an extra layer of difficulty to the already challenging task. However, you persevered and continued to push forward, determined to complete the job.

Belt Issues on the Ventrac

Smoke and loose belt on the ventrac

During the mowing process, you noticed smoke coming from the ventrac and discovered that one of the belts had become loose. This presented yet another setback in completing the job.

Replacing the belt with assistance from Joel

With the help of Joel from Ventrac, you were able to replace the belt on the ventrac. His expertise and guidance were invaluable in resolving the issue and getting the equipment back in working order.

Picking Up Ventrac Attachment

Visiting Joel’s house to pick up the 72-inch ventrac

To continue with the mowing job, you took a trip to Joel’s house to pick up a 72-inch ventrac attachment. This attachment would provide you with the necessary tools to finish the job efficiently and effectively.

Dealing with multiple rain delays before resuming work

Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate, and you faced several rain delays before you were finally able to resume work. Despite the frustrating setbacks, you remained determined to complete the job.

Finishing the Job

Completing the backyard

After facing numerous challenges and setbacks, you were finally able to complete the backyard. Despite the difficulties, you persevered and were able to overcome the obstacles, delivering a well-mowed and manicured lawn.

Preparing for another job with Cabin on the Hill

With the completion of this backyard, you and the team focused on preparing for another job with Cabin on the Hill. This required ensuring that all equipment and resources were ready for the next project.

Revealing the finished yard

After all the hard work and perseverance, it was finally time to reveal the finished yard. The transformation from a neglected and overgrown backyard to a beautifully manicured lawn was a testament to your dedication and hard work.


Reflecting on the challenges faced

Throughout the entire project, you faced numerous challenges and setbacks. From a neighbor passing out to rain delays and equipment issues, the journey was far from smooth. However, each obstacle was overcome with determination, teamwork, and the assistance of Joel from Ventrac.

Looking forward to future projects

Despite the difficulties faced in this particular project, you remained optimistic and enthusiastic about future projects. The experience gained from this challenging backyard only served to enhance your skills and preparedness for future endeavors. You look forward to continuing your work in helping others with their lawn care needs.