Considering An Electric Riding Lawn Mower? Pros And Cons.

If you’re tired of spending hours mowing your lawn every weekend and are considering investing in a more efficient solution, an electric riding lawn mower might be just what you need! With their quiet operation, zero emissions, and easy maintenance, these mowers are gaining popularity among homeowners. However, before making your decision, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of electric riding lawn mowers, helping you make an informed choice for a well-manicured lawn without the hassle.

Understanding Electric Riding Lawn Mowers

What is an electric riding lawn mower?

An electric riding lawn mower is a type of lawn mower that is powered by electricity instead of gasoline or diesel fuel. It is designed to make mowing large areas of grass more convenient and efficient. Unlike traditional gas-powered mowers, electric riding lawn mowers are operated by sitting in a seat and using a steering wheel or joystick to navigate the machine.

How do electric riding lawn mowers work?

Electric riding lawn mowers are powered by rechargeable batteries, usually lithium-ion batteries. These batteries provide the necessary energy to run the mower’s electric motor, which is responsible for driving the blades and propelling the mower. The batteries can be recharged by plugging the mower into an electrical outlet. Some models may also have the option to swap out the batteries for extended run time.

Pros of Electric Riding Lawn Mowers

Eco-friendly and quiet operation

One of the major advantages of electric riding lawn mowers is their eco-friendly operation. They do not produce any emissions since they are powered by electricity. This makes them a much greener and more sustainable choice compared to gas-powered mowers. Additionally, electric mowers are significantly quieter during operation, reducing noise pollution and allowing you to mow your lawn without disturbing your neighbors or enjoying a peaceful environment.

No need for gas or oil

With electric riding lawn mowers, you can bid farewell to the hassle of dealing with gas or oil. These mowers run solely on electricity, eliminating the need for regular refueling or oil changes associated with gas-powered mowers. This not only saves you time and effort but also eliminates the risk of spilling fuel or dealing with messy oil changes.

Low maintenance and fewer parts to replace

Another benefit of electric riding lawn mowers is their low maintenance requirements. Unlike gas-powered mowers that have complex engines and multiple moving parts, electric mowers have simpler construction and fewer components that can wear out or require regular servicing. This translates into reduced maintenance costs and a lower chance of unexpected breakdowns or repairs.

Cost-effective in the long run

While electric riding lawn mowers may have a higher upfront cost compared to their gas-powered counterparts, they are generally more cost-effective in the long run. The absence of gas or oil expenses and lower maintenance needs contribute to overall savings over time. Additionally, the cost of electricity is usually lower than the cost of gas, further reducing operating costs. If you have a large lawn and mow it frequently, the savings can be significant.

Easy to use and maneuver

Electric riding lawn mowers are designed to be user-friendly and easy to operate. With a simple start-up process and intuitive controls, they require minimal effort to get up and running. The electric motor provides smooth and consistent power, ensuring a comfortable and controlled mowing experience. Moreover, these mowers are highly maneuverable, allowing you to navigate around obstacles and tight spaces with ease.

Instant start-up and consistent power

Unlike gas-powered mowers that require a manual pull-starting process, electric riding lawn mowers offer the convenience of instant start-up. With just a push of a button or turn of a key, you can quickly get your mower running. Additionally, electric motors provide consistent power throughout the mowing session, maintaining a steady blade speed and ensuring even cutting, regardless of the grass length or density.

Cons of Electric Riding Lawn Mowers

Limited battery life and run time

One of the main drawbacks of electric riding lawn mowers is their limited battery life and run time. Depending on the model and the size of the battery, you may have to recharge the mower after a certain period of use. This can be a challenge if you have a large lawn that requires multiple sessions or if you forget to charge the mower before using it. It is important to consider the battery life and run time of the mower and make sure it is sufficient for your mowing needs.

Longer recharging time

In addition to limited battery life, electric riding lawn mowers also have longer recharging times compared to refueling a gas-powered mower. Depending on the model and the battery capacity, it can take several hours to fully recharge the mower. This means you need to plan your mowing sessions accordingly to ensure you have a fully charged mower ready when you need it. It may also require a dedicated charging station or outlet to charge the mower conveniently.

Limited availability and higher upfront cost

Although the popularity of electric riding lawn mowers is increasing, they are still not as widely available as gas-powered mowers. Depending on your location, finding a suitable electric riding mower may require some research and exploration. Additionally, electric mowers tend to have a higher upfront cost compared to gas-powered mowers. While they may offer long-term savings, the initial investment can be a deterrent for some budget-conscious buyers.

May struggle with rough terrains

Electric riding lawn mowers may have difficulty handling rough or uneven terrains compared to gas-powered mowers. The power output of electric motors may not be as strong, making it harder for the blades to cut through thick or tall grass. Additionally, the lack of a combustion engine can result in reduced traction on steep slopes or challenging terrain. It is important to consider the condition of your lawn and the terrain you will be mowing before deciding on an electric mower.

Less powerful compared to gas-powered mowers

While electric riding lawn mowers offer sufficient power for most residential applications, they are generally less powerful than their gas-powered counterparts. Gas engines can generate higher torque and blade speed, making them more suitable for heavy-duty tasks or large properties with demanding mowing needs. If you have a particularly large or hilly lawn, you may find that an electric mower is insufficient for the job.

Factors to Consider

Lawn size and terrain

Before purchasing an electric riding lawn mower, it is crucial to assess your lawn’s size and terrain. Electric mowers are typically more suitable for smaller to medium-sized lawns with relatively even terrain. If you have a large or uneven lawn, you may need to consider a gas-powered mower for better performance and efficiency.

Budget and cost analysis

Consider your budget and weigh the upfront cost of an electric riding lawn mower against the potential long-term savings in fuel, maintenance, and repairs. While electric mowers may be more expensive initially, they can provide significant cost savings over time. It is important to evaluate your financial situation and make a decision based on what works best for your budget.

Availability and warranty

Electric riding lawn mowers may not be as readily available as gas-powered mowers, especially in certain geographical areas. Research local retailers or online platforms to find the best options for your needs. Additionally, consider the warranty provided by the manufacturer. A reliable warranty will ensure that you are protected in case of any defects or performance issues with the mower.

Battery life and charging options

Examine the battery life and run time of the electric mower models you are considering. Ensure that the battery capacity is sufficient to cover your entire lawn without the need for multiple recharges. Additionally, consider the charging options available. Some models offer faster charging options, while others may provide the ability to swap out batteries for extended run time.

Noise restrictions

Electric riding lawn mowers are generally quieter than their gas-powered counterparts, which can be beneficial if you live in a neighborhood with noise restrictions or if you prefer a quieter mowing experience. However, it is still important to check local regulations regarding noise levels to ensure compliance.

Personal preference and comfort

Ultimately, your personal preference and comfort should also be considered when choosing an electric riding lawn mower. Test drive different models if possible to see which one suits you best in terms of ergonomics, steering comfort, and overall user experience. Taking time to consider these factors can help ensure you make the right choice for your needs.


Electric riding lawn mowers offer several advantages over gas-powered mowers, including eco-friendly operation, low maintenance requirements, and overall cost-effectiveness. However, they also have limitations such as limited battery life, longer recharging times, and reduced power compared to gas mowers. Before purchasing an electric riding lawn mower, it is essential to consider factors such as lawn size, budget, availability, battery life, noise restrictions, and personal preference. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose the most suitable option for your lawn mowing needs.